Sunday, July 31, 2016

Death Of Bohorquez

Famed Spanish rejoneador and bull breeder, Fermin Bohorquez, passed away form natural causes last week. In his time, he was regarded as one of the finest horsemen around, with many triumphs in Spain's major plazas. He also made it to  Mexico and was impressive there.


El maestro Zotoluco quien esta tarde decía adiós de esta plaza, tuvo una destacada actuación ante sus dos enemigos, al primero le realizó una faena de mucho reposo y buen gusto por ambos pitones, desafortunadamente lo pincho y tras escuchar un aviso fue ovacionado.

 Se superó con su segundo, un toro cárdeno de preciosas hechuras que tenía muchas teclas que tocarle, Zotoluco le piso los terrenos y a base de aguantarlo mucho, el toro temimo por entregarse ante la poderosa muleta de Zotoluco quien remató la faena de una estocada entera y el juez no dudo en concederle las dos orejas ante el júbilo del público que se entregó por completo al diestro de Azcapotzalco.

  Alejandro Martinez Vértiz anduvo voluntarioso en su primero al que toreó con ambas manos y al momento de la estocada fue feamente volteado, fue trasladado a la enfermería y le fue concedida una oreja.

Con su segundo, se le vio la falta de rodaje y el toro aunque tenía calidad era exigente, de nueva cuenta se puso pesado con la espada y fue ovacionado.
 Con su segundo anduvo esforzado y el toro no termino por romperse, además se puso pesado con la espada y tras dos pinchazos y una estocada, escuchó palmas.

  Luis Rodolfo Islas anduvo con muchas ganas de agradar en su primero, cubrió el tercio de banderillas con lucimiento, con la muleta la faena se vino a menos y no anduvo certero con la espada por lo que su labor fue silenciada.

Con su segundo, se le vio la falta de rodaje y el toro aunque tenía calidad era exigente, de nueva cuenta se puso pesado con la espada y fue ovacionado.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


El Maestro Zotoluco a su primero le cuajó una gran faena, plagada de maestría y buen gusto, de la que perdió las dos orejas por sus fallos con la espada.

 Con su segundo se superó y de nueva cuenta la afición Xiqueña se le entregó al maestro quien cuajó una gran faena al bonito berrendo de Coyotepec, al que despacho de una estocada entera en todo lo alto y le fueron concedidas las dos orejas al grito de torero, torero.

Abrió plaza el rejoneador potosíno Jorge Hernández Gárate quien dejó ver el buen momento que atraviesa en sus dos toros y la amplia cuadra que posee este fino rejoneador que acompañó al maestro en la salida en hombros tras cortarle una oreja a cada uno de sus enemigos.

  Completo el cartel el torero hidrocálido Fabian Barba, quien desafortunadamente pecho con el peor lote del encierro siempre estando por encima de las condiciones de sus enemigos y al final decidió regalar un sobrero con el que a base de entrega consiguió cortarle una merecida oreja.

Al final del festejo tanto el caballista potosino, como el maestro Zotoluco salieron a hombros tras triunfar en esta corrida.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


El matador Diego Silveti ya se encuentra en México, luego de permanecer durante tres meses en España, donde tuvo participación como el único matador mexicano en actuar en la pasada Feria de San Isidro.

Posteriormente a su participación en Las Ventas, Silveti estuvo de lleno en el campo bravo español preparando sus próximos compromisos, el diestro guanajuatense realizo labores de campo en Núñez de Tarifa, El Freixo, Lagunajanda, Cuvillo, Benítez Cubero, Luis Albarrán entre otras casas ganaderas que abrieron sus puertas al toreo de dinastía para intensificar su preparación.

Diego se encuentra en México de cara a su próximo compromiso el cual será el próximo domingo 31 de julio en la Feria de Teziutlán, Puebla, donde se presentara acartelado por el matador Eulalio López “Zotoluco” y Jeronimo ante astados de La Venta de Romero.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Los Toros Enlace

Circle Of Sand Enlace

Leonardo Manzano

Leonardo Manzano was  born in Mexico City, but lived in Tijuana for so long hew as billed as being from there on the posters and mistakenly said to have born there in many publicity pieces.  Prior to entering the ring as a novillero, hew as a champion swimmer .

Manzano took the alternativa in 1`967 at the hands of Joselito Huerta and Manolo Martinez on Chihuahua. This was confirmed in Mexico City in 1968, from Manolo "Armillita" and Ricardo Castro.

One of Manzano's finest showings came in Nogales in September of 1970, when he and Arturp Ruiz Loredo both ciut a tail form their second bulls of the day, from Heriberto Rodriguez. Both men left on the shoudlers of the crowd.

With his first bull of that afternoon, Manzano was tossed and took a puntazo in the calf of his leg, but was not hindered by the same and continued to perform.

A repeat corrida the following month alongside the American, Robert Ryan. did not go  as well. Manzano took a vuelta from his first and was applauded from his seocnd, while Ryan cut the only ear of the day.

During his long career, Manzano was known especially for his work with he banderillas and his placing of the cortos, breaking the shafts down to make the danger paramount.

He was usually an accurate killer with the sword. 

Articles on this torero may be found in English in old Clarin magazines. His biography also appears in English in Matadores at for orders. His biography was also seen in various Spanish language books released in the 1960s and 1970s.

Plaza De Toros De Cali Enlace

Mario Sevilla

 Mario  was an established matador de toros in the 1970s, especially noted for triumphs on the Mexican border in plazas such as Nogales, Tijuana and Juarez. He took the alternativa in San Luis Potosi in 1969 at the hands of Antonio Velazquez and Curro Rivera. the ritual was confirmed in Mexico City in 1971 via Finito and Raul Ponce De Leon.

Sevilla would be a regular on carteles in Plaza Mexico throughout his career, but his success record was varied in this ring.  His final few Plaza Mexico corridas either saw him gored or not being received well by the public, as opposed to earlier on in his youth.

Though a determined and brave matador, a number of bad horn wounds took their toll on this performer, including major injuries in Juarez, Mexico City and Tijuana. The Tijuana cornada was particularly bad, though eht ried to return to the offending bull and continue the faena. He was physically dragged to the infirmary. Moments afterward, the Spaniard, Marcelino Librero, was also gored, leaving Rafaelillo to then kill the remaining bulls/

One of Sevilla's last great showings came in Nogales in 1977, in the Golden Sward corrida alongside Diego O"Bolger, Salvador Farelo and Angel Sulbaran.  ' Farelo won the trophy by cutting two ears, but Sevilla offered a sound and artistic faena, with many long natural-passes, cropped with several molinetes de rodillas. He cut an ear for his effort.

Sevilla retired from the ring a few seasons afterward. 

Mario may be read about in the English language in several old calrin magazones form the 1970s that crop iup  on Ebay. He is also feature din the book, Matadores, from for orders.

Mario's father, also named Mario Sevilla , helped author John McCormick write the book, The Complete Aficionado.

Sevilla spoke English well, which made him a well-liked candidate for interviews by the American press during his border corridas.

The matador was evidently not very religious either. Assistants in his Nogales corridas noted he did not bother with the customary prayers after dressing in hsi room and wlaked right by the chapel in the same plaza, to take his place in the paseo.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Cristian Aparicio

Cristian Aparicio is a fiery Mexican torero who ahs come a long wa since making his debut in  Xochimilco several years ago.

Aparicio took the alternativa in 1999 in Ciudad Guadalupe at the hands of Manolo Mejia and confirmed the ritual in plaza Mexico at the hands of Antonio Urrutia in 2004.

Aparicio ahs made a name for himself in México  as a skilled and artistic performer, known for his ability with both the capote and muleta. He is also better than average with the sword. He has built a following both within the interior and on the Mexican border, with  note to Tijuana, where his brand of performing thrilled the aficion form both sides of the Mexican/American line.

Aparicio was born in Mexico City and still resides there. .

He is no relation tot he bullfighting Aparicio family from Spain.

Mario Mora

Mario Mora of Torreon, Mexico, is a charismatic matador de toros, known for his capacity with the kill and for artistic muleta work. Like Ricardo Castro and other notable matadores form this town, Mora has been making a name for himself in the Mexican rings.

Mora too the alternativa some years back in Torreon at the hands of Frederico Pissarro and Jorge Mora. He has since firmly established himself in his native town.

Mora also made it as far as Peru a few temporadas back and looked favorable there in the eyes of the aficion, while alternating with and surpassing the regional Peruvian toreros, 

Mora received his most serious goring in the pueblo of Actopan, where he took a large leg goring. The wound had two deep trajectories and was considered to be major, being both large and deep.

Arguably, one of Mora's greatest triumphs came in the small town of Torokuna . Though he cut only one ear, He outdid both of his associates on the card, who cut nothing and gave one of the best faenas of his career. He was the only performer of the afternoon to win an award and while the single ar may seem unflattering, it was well earned.

While carrying on the tradition of the toreros form the past from Torreon, Mora may well be both the face of the present and the future.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Enlace Al Toro Mexico


Enlace Burladerodos

Victor Barrio Killed

Matador Victor Barrio was killed in Teruel due to a goring in the ling while performing a natural in a corrida alongside Curro Diaz and Morante De Aranda.  The goring was evidently seen on live television. Though rushed to the infirmary, the magnitude oft he injury was too great for the medics to handle. Barrio was 29.

The horn destroyed the lung and aorta of the unfortunate matador, making saving him by medical attention impossible.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Inca Corrida

Corrida de rejones en Inca. 31 de Julio

San Fermin

San Fermin is underway with the usual gorings during the bull runs in the streets and the array of corridas.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Ante más de tres cuartos de entrada se realizó este lunes la tradicional corrida de San Pedro en Xalostoc, Estado de México donde actuó por última vez en esta población el Maestro Zotoluco terminando con otra corrida triunfal en su gira de despedida, con una nueva salida a hombros.

El maestro Zotoluco dejó muestras de una gran madurez ante sus dos astados a los cuales les realizo faenas con mucho sentimiento, aprovechando el lucimiento de sus dos astados, tandas con mucha hondura y largueza fueron las que ejecutó Zotoluco, quien en todo momento disfrutó de esta corrida de despedida ante la afición que se entregó al torero recordando las tardes en las que actuaba en este mismo escenario en los inicios de su carrera taurina, tras dejar dos buenas estocadas Zotoluco desorejó a cada uno de sus toros y salió a hombros con el corte de cuatro orejas.
Alejandro Martínez Vertíz fue silenciado en su primero y solamente dejó algunos detalles en su faena, con el segundo de su lote recibió división de opiniones luego de una faena intermitente.
El queretano Juan Pablo Llaguno no pudo lucir ante su primero ya que el astado no colaboraba como el diestro lo necesitaba para el triunfo y solamente dejo algunos pasajes interesantes para ser silenciado, con su segundo Llaguno no se encontró del todo y no pudo aprovechar las condiciones que tenía el astado de La Guadalupana, al final la paso mal con los aceros y fue silenciado.